I feel like I don’t belong, and never did. I see all these people having fun, having friends, going out and I see all my friendships erode and all my relationships fail. I have had this from an early age. I was always the odd one out, the one people picked on, the one everyone had to make fun of, humiliate in front of others in order to belong in the group, the group that I was never part of — merely a tool to hold it together. This behaviour of the group was not a question of intelligence, refinedness or any other higher quality of the members. It was true for all peoples and all ages, all the time, every time. Rarely, if ever, did I find myself part of a group where I felt secure, where I could say with confidence that I belonged.
I felt like my friends were just putting up with me, kind of feeling sad for what I had to go through, and were friends only to pity me. I felt the same with S sometimes, that she pitied me, that I was just a burden to her. I felt the same with the others, too. Not all, but many. This realisation, that the girls I date are just like all the others, that they just pity me, only occurred to me recently, but it rings true, and very-very sad. It’s as if I have no escape, not even in close relationships am I free from all this pressure to belong and to look out for the next blow I’ll get, be it physical (in the early days) or psychological. I feel like I don’t belong, not to this place, not to this planet, not to this society. I’m afraid that I won’t change now, that I’ll be an outsider forever, alone, in my own small universe.