I had a dream of my funeral, I think. I had dream before the dream, where I was watching myself as I drove away on a road when the snow just started falling, and I was afraid for myself, thinking of driving too fast and slipping. Next dream was me flying over Australia, in a bed. A truck below was trying to cross a ridge, it managed half-way, while I was shouting down to turn back, but they didn’t hear it, so they almost got stuck on another ridge, but got over that one too. Finally they arrived to some place, and my bed also landed there. I seemed to have been invited. As I was walking down the stairs, someone jokingly said that I am a bit of clown, as I was happily jumping around, and I turned around, walking/jumping backwards, looking straight at Amber and said: “there are some things that never change” — referring to my love for her. Next cut is me in the grass, hugging my two half-cousins, and then wanting to drink their wine, but they were weary of the latter, due to Corona, I guess. And that was it, I woke up.