Last night, at the corner where A left me in the middle of the night, the moment came back when I met S, a weird meeting where we talked in a café for some hours but nothing else and she left me at the same exact corner. I remembered that time, the questions that came to me, the doubts I had, the sadness and joy of the time spent, the emptiness I felt being left there on the corner, all by myself. I don’t hate that corner, it just hurts to see it, reminds me of some form of disconnect, the fine line of understanding (or pretending to understand) and utter disbelief, a line that can be crossed so suddenly.
I had strange dreams after this, of meeting S by accident at a bar, then being nicely told not to come again and then coming again by accident, meeting her, and seeing her being annoyed. It was really hurtful, but I learnt the lesson, and didn’t go back to that bar again. I don’t know what to make of this dream, but it certainly made me even more aware of that corner, of those times when things make no sense and you just have to accept your fate, whatever the reasons may be.