I got a typewriter to write a letter to S. It’s a letter of sorrow, a letter of joy. The joy of her having spent time with me, and the sorrow of loosing her. I re-read some of our old conversations where she seems to avoid saying something in every letter… In this letter I avoided nothing, and it’s good to be honest but I fear it’s not really new and it’ll just come off as something crazy. Maybe I am crazy, maybe we all are. I remember this quote I sent her in one of my very first emails: “We are fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance”. It’s a Japanese saying. I think we ought to be dancing, even when the music is over and the band is packing up. That’s especially when we should dance. When it’s too late and there is nobody to dance for but ourselves.
The other letter I wrote to K. I never quite thanked for for all she did for me. I never asked for her forgiveness for all the stupid things I did — mostly of letting her slip by, not caring for a reason I still don’t understand. I wasn’t tired, and I was interested — it happened in a way that made no sense. Maybe it’s not supposed to make any sense, maybe it’s all just feelings that cannot be expressed in any way. We try and we fail. Maybe this time, I managed to express myself well in both letters. Probably not.